Term 1 and 2
This term, our topic is Mexico: The Aztecs and The Maya.
Our class text will be Curse of the Maya by Johnny Pearce and Andy Loneragan.
Jack Rutter visit 07.10.22
Reading at Home
Reading with your child is one of the most valuable things you can do for them. Whether it be for 2 mins or half an hour, your child will flourish because they are with you, and you are sharing something together.
There is always a worry about how we should be reading with our child. What questions should we ask? Should we tell them the word? Should we get them to sound it out? There are no rules; reading is something to be loved and loved often. Of course, it is always good to have some ideas up your sleeve, so we have gathered together some questions that you can ask your child when you are enjoying a book together. These questions will help your child understand what they have read. We hope you enjoy trying them out.
Knowledge Organiser
The full copy can be downloaded below.