Pupil Leadership
School Parliament 2024 - 2025
School Parliament elections will take place early in Term 1. All KS2 children will be able to vote for 2 MPs for their class. KS1 children will be able to vote for 2 children from Year 2 to represent the whole key stage.
The two Y6 MPs will be able to stand for President and Vice President of the Parliament and lead the meetings together.
Our School MPs are:
KS1: Ilyana and Francis
Year 3/4: Amelie and Will
Year 5: Saul and Darcy
Year 6: Charlie (President) and Ethan (Vice-President)
Parliament will be responsible for 2 areas: Department for Learning and Department for Safety.
Our main priorities this year will be:
Meetings will be held twice every term.
Other Pupil Leadership
House Captains
House Captains from Year 6 form the Department for Sport. They are responsible for Health & Play and Sports Activities.
School Synod
Children in KS2 will be able to stand for School Synod.
Synod will be responsible for Whole School Worship once per term, Class Worship and Christian Values.