Safeguarding Who’s Who
At St Peter’s Anglican Methodist Primary School we take seriously our responsibility to protect and safeguard the wellbeing of children and young people in our care.
Any member of staff or visitor to our school who suspects abuse may have occurred, receives a disclosure of information or is concerned for the wellbeing of a child or young person, must report it immediately to a member of our Safeguarding team.
Paul Smith
Executive Head Teacher
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Nic Baykaa-Murray
Head of School
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Sarah McKenzie
Class Teacher/SENCO
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Adele Farrow
Safeguarding & Child Protection Governor
Alternatively, you can contact the following:
- Local Authority’s Designated Officer (LADO): Jon Goddard 01454 868508/lado@southglos.gov.uk
- South Gloucestershire Access & Response Team: 01454 866000/accessandresponse@southglos.gov.uk
- South West Child Protection Procedures can be found at South Glos safeguarding
School Security
The school is protected by an intruder alarm system, which is linked to a control centre and the Police. Coded security locks are on external doors and during the day, visitors to the school should inform the office staff of their arrival. Anyone collecting a child during the day for any reason should notify office staff of their presence and intentions. All staff are alert to the need to report any person or occurrence, which may pose a danger to the children.
Severnside Siren Sounding
An inter school policy has been developed by the Headteachers and Governors for the local primary schools concerning the sounding of the Severnside siren. In the event of the siren sounding, all children will be kept at school with all windows and doors closed until the all clear is heard, or until alternative arrangements are made for evacuation. Parents and carers should not phone the school but should stay at home and turn on the local radio for information.
The Siren is tested on the 3rd of each month at 3pm and is operated by Avon & Somerset Police.