Special Educational Needs
St Peter’s is committed to meeting the special educational needs of pupils and ensuring that they make progress. In line with our mission statement we endeavour to ensure that every child is included in all aspects of school life and is supported, according to his or her needs within a broad and balanced curriculum. It is recognised that within our school some children will have special educational needs and will require additional levels of support if they are to access the curriculum effectively and so develop to their full potential. The school has in place a detailed SEN policy which is available to parents on request.
We value the help that parents can give us and appreciate them sharing any problems a child may have had previously or during their time with us. Should a parent have concerns about the progress of their child they should discuss them with the class teacher. If there continues to be a concern then this should be brought to the attention of the SENCo.
In order to achieve our aims and to ensure that children with special educational needs achieve their full potential and make progress we will:
- Ensure that pupils participate in their learning and increase their responsibility for their learning and behaviour as they move through the school
- Ensure good working relationships with parents, carers and the community
- Ensure that the school offers a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum that is accessible to pupils with special educational needs and promotes high standards of attainment and achievement
- Ensure that the learning needs of pupils with special educational needs are identified and assessed as early as possible, and their progress is closely monitored
- Ensure all teaching and non-teaching staff are involved in planning and meeting the learning needs of special educational needs pupils
- Ensure that the school liaises effectively with special schools and outside agencies to meet the needs of staff and pupils.
Children with Disabilities
A request for a place at St Peter’s for a child with a disability or learning difficulty will be sympathetically considered. The school understands that this is where the child’s ordinary needs can be met, but must be sure that their additional needs can also be met in full. If St Peter’s is currently without the type of provision necessary for a child, whether for a physical disability or learning difficulty, every effort will be made by the school working together with parents, governors and the Local Authority to make available what is required. Each case will be treated individually.
Arrangements for the admission of children with disabilities begin prior to the pupil joining school. In the first instance the family visits school for a preliminary discussion. A review meeting is then arranged with the family, Headteacher, SENCo , class teacher, pre-school staff and outside agencies
to determine the child’s needs and implications for the school’s provision for inclusion.
The school is committed to inclusion to prevent disabled children being treated less favourably than other pupils. The school aims to be an accessible place for all people, whatever their age, ability, race, culture or gender. The Inclusion policy is available on request.
The school has an accessibility plan (required under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995) covering future policies for increasing access to the school for pupils with disabilities. This is available to view on request.
Facilities in place which increase access to the school are as follows:
- The school is on one level and has full wheelchair access to all areas
- Disabled parking provision.
- Disabled toilet facilities.
What do we understand by disability?
Disability: is a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities” (DDA 1995 Part 1 para 1.1). This definition was amended and broadened in December 2005 under the 2005 Disability Amendment
Act as follows:-
- People with cancer or surviving cancer are now included, as are people with HIV and Multiple Sclerosis from the point of diagnosis.
- For a mental impairment the need for it to be clinically well recognised has been removed.
- The Disability Equality in Education (DEE) recommends that all pupils with SEN and those with long term medical needs be treated as disabled for the purposes of the Act and for equality. This is in addition to all pupils with long term impairments, which have a significant impact on their day to day activities.
We understand that the definition of disability under the Act is different from the eligibility criteria for special educational needs provision. This means that disabled pupils may or may not have special educational needs. The school recognises that social, educational and behavioural difficulties are part of this definition. Children with ADHD, Autism, significant dyslexia and epilepsy are also included.
More Able, Gifted and Talented Pupils
At St Peter’s, we aim to provide a curriculum that is appropriate to the needs and abilities of all our children. Children deserve an education that encourages them and motivates them to achieve their potential. Opportunities are offered to enable the more able pupils to fully develop their abilities within the context of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural framework of the school. Teachers in our school plan carefully to meet the learning needs of all pupils.
Which Pupils? A school definition:
- More able and talented pupils who demonstrate abilities in one or more areas (not necessarily in the academic curriculum), which place them into the top 10-15% of our school population and who would benefit from an effective and differentiated programme.
- Those pupils who have a broad spectrum of high ability when viewed against national norms.
Our SENCO at St Peter’s is: Miss Sarah McKenzie (Mr Paul Smith during Miss McKenzie's maternity leave)