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Year 5 - Mr Truan

Welcome back to the new school year and our Y5 class page. Here you will find information about our learning, routines and news.

Meet the Team

 Mr Paul Truan   Clare-Wright  

Mr Truan (Class Teacher)

Miss Wright (Teaching Assistant) - Thursday and Friday

Mrs Lewis (Teaching Assistant) - Wednesday

PE Days

Wednesday with Bristol Sports and Friday.

An appropriate PE kit must be worn. Children can come into school dressed in their PE kits these days.


Homework in Year 5 will be posted on to Google Classroom every Friday to be completed by the following Thursday. It will consist of an English activity one week and a Maths activity the next. The children can either complete the activities on Google Classroom or hand in a hard copy. A record of homework will be kept as it is important that the children form a good routine ready for secondary school. Spelling patterns will also be given out weekly and available on the spelling tab on our class page.


It is important that the children maintain their reading practice at home for a minimum of 10 mins daily. They will also be heard during school time. Here are some questions you can ask your child after they have read, to help them engage in their understanding of the text.

2 Week Wellbeing Topic

For the first 2 weeks of the term there will be a whole school well-being focus based around the book 'What We'll Build' by Oliver Jeffers. The children will complete a range of different activities related to this book.

Contact Us

Please feel free to make an appointment via the office if you need to speak to the team or email direct.