Term 3 and 4
Welcome to Term 3 and 4! We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break and are looking forward to learning with you all over the next couple of terms.
The timetable for Term 3 and 4:
Our PE days are: Wednesday and Friday
Topic - Year 1
The Topic we are going to be exploring in Year 1 over the next couple of terms is London. In our History lessons we will be learning about The Great Fire of London and the diary of Samuel Pepys. We will learn about how the Great Fire of London started and why it spread so quickly. In our Science lessons we will be focussing on plants, learning to identify and describe the different types of plants that are found in the U.K. In our Geography lessons, we will be learning about modern London. We will look at where London is in relation to both Bristol and Pilning, the number of people that live there and how the city has changed over time
During Term 3 in Reception we are going to be exploring the topics of Winter, Celebrations (Chinese New Year) and Dinosaurs.
We will also be exploring a range of books during Drawing Club including, The gingerbread man, The little red, The three Billy goats gruff and Simons sock.
Homework and Reading
Year 1 will continue to have homework set for them on Google Classroom every Friday.
We will also continue to change reading books every Friday, collecting them in on a Thursday ready for this change. Thank you!