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Reading and Homework

Reading: All children will have daily guided reading sessions and at least one 1-1 session reading with an adult, more if we are able to. Children need to read 3 x weekly at home to allow for segmenting new words, fluent reading and comprehension. Please see below our book talk question sheet to aid comprehension.

In Year 3, our homework is uploaded onto Google Classroom on a Friday.

Google Classroom

For spellings: Please use Spellzone that is set to your child's current level. Our in-class spelling lessons will follow the national curriculum guidance for Year 3.


Timetables: Please use TimeTable Rockstars, these are set to the facts we are learning in class.

Times Table Rock Stars

If you lose your username or passwords, the fastest way to receive it again is to email Mrs Cannock at:

There will also be a further piece of homework, usually based around our topic learning. This can be submitted to the class teacher or photos uploaded onto Google Classroom.

Also: We love to see your photos on Google Classroom! Please keep sharing (especially pets......)